Monday, June 21, 2010

The CONMEBOL Renaissance!

Humanity has to be eternally grateful to Europe for umpteen reasons. For starters, they salvaged history and the arts from the dark ages to the 'let-there-be-light' zone through renaissance. Then they found the New World and annexed the souls of its inhabitants for the holy church and retained gold from its palaces for the royal treasuries.

And then the revolutions, paving way for democracy and human rights and the rest of the fringe benefits of the political circus that replaced monarchy.

And they still follow the rich traditions, fighting injustice and raising their voice when and wherever it is required and, at times, even when it is not required. The French are masters of the art, but of-course - The French Revolution – how can we ever forget!

And in South Africa it was Nicholas Anelka who did a ‘pseudo-Napolean’, with some good-old rants garnished with a couple of F-words, directed at the Le Blues' nutty-professor Domenech. The Coach and the blue-bloods from the French Football Association weren't amused. Anelka gets the Guillotine.

But the French, following rich traditions, rise and revolt, abstaining from practice the next day. Indeed patriots! But aren't they supposed to play football and bring forth a revolution through goals!

At least the French can learn from the English. They never revolted against the totalitarian rule of Don Capello. Instead they played their best; which is as boring as watching the “Sitcom hit” FRIENDS.

Ex-Captain and lover-boy John Terry stood up though, only to be shown the seat by Mr Capello, probably saying: “Thou shall warm the benches from now on.”

Defending champions Italy are not far behind, but with the Azzuri, it is their coach Lippi who is doing the lip-work saying, “they are disobedient”.

But then, at least, the Europeans at the World Cup are doing justice to their illustrious history by fighting against injustice even if it means forgetting what they are there for in the first place. The only blot being Holland, who are very busy winning matches in style.

On the contrary what are the much-hyped South Americans doing at the World Cup. Brazil won their two matches easily with patches of brilliance; Argentina were ‘Messifully clinical’; Paraguay, Uruguay and Chile are playing their version of 'El Jogo Bonito'.

So far, the teams from Latin America have been the best lot in South Africa.
But why aren't they fighting for humanity? How one-dimensional these Latinos are, just playing football and not creating any fuss about it! Where is their social responsibility?

For your information, football is their social responsibility! And the smiles on the Latin American fans after each match show what these players are doing for their so called impoverished countries.

Hope through football in a way; renaissance in a way; revolution in a way... VIVA CONMEBOL!

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